Send notifications via our API

Owners of decentralized apps (dApps) want to send notifications to their users, to be displayed in the FE of their respective dApps.

CNS will be used as a platform for dApps to send notifications and CNS will be responsible for streaming these notifications to the FE of their dApps.

A REST API endpoint will be exposed by CNS for dApps to send notifications to our platform.

Design & Implementation

We would have separate endpoints for different media platforms, for example, POST /channel/{channelId}/message for in-app notifications and POST /channel/{channelId}/message/telegram for telegram notifications. Most of the fields in the request body are identical for both endpoints, except platform-specific fields, such as parse_mode for telegram notifications.

REST API endpoint design

POST /channel/{channelId}/message - Send in-app notification


Infra setup will be in place to restrict API access to selected dApps using the API (Kaching would be our first dApp partner). API Authentication using mechanisms like API keys might be considered in the future but not supported in MVP.

Example Request:


POST /channel/0xb9cb77b5d2f63ee09708f9f3419d6c1613cc53c99ef529385e7dd8c8c7001912/message
CNS-Api-Key: xxx
  "delivery_type": "BROADCAST",
  "title": "New feature",
  "body": "New feature xx is out, go and check it out at",
  "type": "SYSTEM",
  "chain_id": 25,
  "event_timestamp": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"


POST /channel/0xb9cb77b5d2f63ee09708f9f3419d6c1613cc53c99ef529385e7dd8c8c7001912/message
CNS-Api-Key: xxx
  "delivery_type": "UNICAST",
  "receiver_address": "0xd6e1125158e3d83fa0e795b3a957ba5b2ca52d02",
  "title": "Pending rewards",
  "body": "You have some pending rewards, go and claim it before it is too late",
  "type": "REWARDS",
  "chain_id": 25,
  "event_timestamp": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Response Body:

  • No JSON response body needed to be returned

  • Successful response will return status code 204

POST /channel/{channelId}/message/telegram - Send telegram notification

Example Request:


POST /channel/0xb9cb77b5d2f63ee09708f9f3419d6c1613cc53c99ef529385e7dd8c8c7001912/message/telegram
CNS-Api-Key: xxx
  "delivery_type": "BROADCAST",
  "body": "<strong>New feature xx is out</strong>. Go and check it out at",
  "type": "SYSTEM",
  "parse_mode": "HTML"


POST /channel/0xb9cb77b5d2f63ee09708f9f3419d6c1613cc53c99ef529385e7dd8c8c7001912/message/telegram
CNS-Api-Key: xxx
  "delivery_type": "UNICAST",
  "receiver_address": "0xd6e1125158e3d83fa0e795b3a957ba5b2ca52d02",
  "body": "You have some pending rewards, go and claim it before it is too late",
  "type": "REWARDS"

Response Body:

  • No JSON response body needed to be returned

  • A successful response will return status code 204

Last updated